Crufts 2004 Photos

Jane Johns with Gemson Esperanto (Henry)

Aust Ch Konkkaronkan Finnish Dream at Gemson (Erik)
Aquatelin Duque (Kalle)

Rysalka Blue Willow (Lady)

Cathy Gadd, her daughter(I need her name someone!) and Chris Dostie

Gemson Delisimo

Pat Jones, Chris Dostie & Cartmel Sea Siren

AlistairSword & Cartmel the Bosun

Gemsons Delisimo

Rysalka Moon Devil (Luca). 

Sue Tweedie, Shelly Ediger (USA) & Sw Ch. Aguatelin Duque of Rysalka (Kalle)

Sue Tweedie, Kalle, Flo Fahey & Irish CH Bentarsna Auspicious Moon 

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